Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Catcher in the Rye

The improving weather today caused me to take the two puppies and my daughter to the playground after work and before dinner. It was a little chilly from the wind but overall not that bad. As we were walking to the park we past by many people out and about enjoying the day. There were other dog walkers, kids, football players, skater boarders, biker riders etc. I do not recall seeing this many people out all winter.

The park is located at an elementary school. We arrived at the park and I tied the dogs to a nearby tree so I could take Kayla on the slide. Just as I picked up Kayla out of the stroller I heard "f--- this f---ing b----. She doesn't f---ing know anything" from a kid walking by. The kid who spoke these words was younger than 17 and just talking to his friend that he was walking with.

After hearing this I looked at my 13 month old daughter and she was staring at the slide just waiting for me to take her there. She had no idea what was said or anything. It made my heart sink. I try so hard to make sure she doesn't hear those words at home and the minute we go to an elementary school playground it is the first words out a some kid's mouth.

I mean Holden Caulfield was infuriated by graffiti I can't imagine his reaction to hearing it from the sources mouth.

So.... where do we go from here? I can't protect her from everything everywhere but I would think a child's playground would be safe.

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